Dr. Coretta Scott King
As we enter into 2023, we are harkened to reflect on how far we have progressed and how much more needs to be done. Our social fabric has been stressed and stretched. The footing of many bedrock institutions has slipped. And, our connectedness to our neighbor seems less sure.
The late Coretta Scott King stated that “Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience. I don’t believe you can stand for freedom for one group of people and deny it to others.” This quote embodies the very essence of Beloved Community: freedom — availability to experience and grow to one’s full ability in a responsible way, and justice — that which, “at its best, is love correcting everything that stands against love.”
It is during these times that we must take a stand for these true meanings of freedom and justice in the realization of beloved community, and there is no better way to make a stand than by exercising your right to vote and making our voice heard. And, it is why we are so excited about our return to in-person celebration for the 2023 MLK federal holiday, for it gives us an opportunity to lift our voices together and to take a stand against intolerance and despair.
Together, love wins.
Together, peace wins.
Together, justice wins.
Together, let’s make 2023 the year of Freedom, Justice, and Beloved Community.