The Rev. Dr. Valerie Miles-Tribble
Associate Professor of Ministerial Leadership & Practical Theology
Rev. Dr. Valerie Miles-Tribble is Associate Professor of Ministerial Leadership & Practical Theology at the Berkeley School of Theology in the Graduate Theological Union.
Engaging liberation theology as womanist scholar, practical theologian, and community activist, raises critical awareness of systemic oppressions. Dual departmental alignment in Theology & Ethics and Religion & Practice integrates theoethics to examine intersections of social justice praxis in church and society for restorative public approaches. Rev. Dr. Valerie is an ordained clergy woman and interim pastor with earned Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from GTU schools and PhD in Leadership & Organizational Change from Walden University, Minneapolis. Her service roles in the Women of Color National Network (WOCIM) and regional coordinator in Rise Together Mentor Network supports intergenerational empowerment of millennial leaders across contextual identities. As speaker and writer, Valerie has a book soon to be released: Change Agent Church in Black Lives Matter Times: Urgency for Action. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield imprint, Lexington/Fortress Academic(2020).
from faithpresoakland.org