The Rev. Eric Metoyer
Rector, St. Francis Episcopal Church -- San Francisco
The Rev. Eric Metoyer serves as rector of San Francisco's St. Francis Episcopal Church.
Prior to his appointment, Rev. Metoyer's worked as Director of Mission Development for the Episcopal Diocese of California (Diocal). There, his work is focused in three primary areas: Support and consultation for missions and parishes; oversight of multicultural ministry and healing racism trainings; and leadership for Diocesan peace, justice and interfaith engagement.
As multicultural missioner he served as the liaison to the Latino/Hispanic, Afro-Anglican, Asian Commissions of the Diocese, Oasis (LGBTQ+), the Women’s Clericus, and social justice commissions. He is the staff lead on the Diocesan Essential Housing Project in collaboration with Kathleen Piraino, Executive Director, Episcopal Impact Fund. Metoyer served as the Diocesan staff liaison to the Episcopal Public Policy Network of California, Living Stones Partnership, and TEC Officers for Ethnic Ministries. He works with Canon Abbott in the design and implementation of Fresher Start; oversight of the mission congregations; Title IV; congregational consultation; and support of major diocesan events such as Diocesan Convention and Clergy Retreat.
from Diocal