Dwight N. Hopkins
The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor at the University of Chicago
Dwight N. Hopkins is the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor at the University of Chicago. He graduated from Groton (Boarding) School and Harvard University (BA).
Professor Hopkins initiated and managed a 14-country network to think about the practices of building healthy communities and healthy individuals in communities. With representatives from Hawaii, Fiji, Australia, Japan, India, England, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Cuba, Jamaica, Brazil, and the USA, the network forged learning about neighbors through neighbors sharing their cultures. Indeed, in international transactions of business, politics, and religions, one of the greatest challenges is lack of cultural understanding. Restated, cultures facilitate harmony and balance for the purpose of another world is possible in emerging markets. A higher vision and transcendent values glue the global together spiritually with wealth management.
He was Visiting Professor at Renmin (People’s) University, Beijing, China (course on “The History of Western Civilization”) and Visiting Lecturer at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Surrey International Institute, Dalian, China (ten lectures on “China and the West: Cross Cultural Communication”).
Prof. Hopkins is a constructive theologian, meaning he focuses on innovation and people having agency. His classes combine the humanities with wealth. He continues to work on "faith plus wealth equals freedom" -- a practice of fulfilling one's mission while owing no one or no institution anything. His classes include black ownership of wealth, social entrepreneurship, can capitalism do good, black and liberation theologies, and contemporary models of theology.
from the University of Chicago