The Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey
The Rev. Canon Abbott Bailey serves as the Episcopal Diocese of California's Canon to the Ordinary. She officially began her new ministry in the diocese in February of 2018.
Canon Abbott represents the Bishop, serves as secondary Diocesan spokesperson, and oversees Diocesan work related to congregational development and vitality for the missions and parishes of the Diocese. She is responsible for the administrative oversight of the mission congregations and specialized ministries of the Diocese and their clergy; administers the Title IV process; consults with clergy and congregations with conflict resolution and crisis management; and designs programs and provides consulting support in collaboration with other Diocesan staff, clergy and lay leadership of the Diocese to promote congregational vitality. Canon Abbott supports the work of the Bishop related to the Standing Committee and Executive Council; serves as a liaison to the Chancellor; and sits on the Personnel Practices Committee, and the Deanery Coordinating Committee. She and Eric assist the Bishop in the pastoral care and support of clergy and lay leadership.
from https.diocal.org